Thank you for continuing to contribute when you are able, and for caring about doing so!
I really like your thought of exploring a subject that will 'cast light upon our own shadows.' That's where so many rich ideas are hiding...we just need a little courage to go there.
'Upon Gideon's Field' is wise indeed. I can't adequately add to what you've already said so beautifully, but I'm sure we'll all be better off if we keep in balance the relationship between child and King.
Michael Cooper
13 February 2013 22:41
Hi Andrea,
The last time i added a comment on here was way back in April 2012. Now thats just damn rude of me considering all the effort you pour into making sure i have the chance to follow Essence Seeker every month.
Please dont give up on me !!! i intend to get more involved in this opportunity for us all to explore a subject that will inevitably cast light uponour own shadows.
So to start off i want to share with you another short piece of my work titled 'Upon Gideon's field,' which has been well recieved.
Upon Gideon's Field
A great warrior stands triumphant, his victory complete, all laid bare before him, as far ahead as he could see were days of glory; he pronounces himself a King. Then mid-winter comes with bitter cold, biting into his very soul and his army suffer defeat upon Gideon's field. He stands and looks to the victors. A child comes forth with no armour nor sword, up to the great warrior he goes, who kneels to listen to his words.
"Now you would kneel before a child, now you truly are a King"
Notes in the margin:
Defeat reminds us that our place in this world is humble and is neither above nor below but knelt alongside the weakest and smallest. Then from that position, defeat will rise to accomplish great things.
Andrea Wilson
10 December 2012 12:34
Naomi, What a wonderful thought with such vivid imagery. Thank you so much.
Naomi West
03 December 2012 14:35
Andrea, your mind is some reincarnation of the magi nemonic masters who arranged their images internally within 'memory palaces' so as to bring forth new meaning - the essence of things combined in alternate ways. Working with you is like gazing into the designs of a crystal glass.
Andrea Wilson
30 August 2012 11:59
Hi there, I'm continuing to explore the nooks and crannies of our world to find vivid examples of identity - unique and exceptional people, icons, brands and experiences - to help us understand and live true to who we uniquely are.
I'd love to hear your ideas on this, sources for inspiration or experiences that have meant something to you. Many people have contributed to the tributes here - the haka, hito, ultra deep field, Best Made, fibonacci sequence, white stone - and the important ideas behind all of this.
Thank you all. I look forward to your perspective...
Andrea Wilson
04 April 2012 20:21
Naomi, Balancing the constant with the changing aspects of ourselves is such a great thing to be able to do. It may even be the kernel of evolution and growth. The idea that this creates an 'extraordinary freedom' is so compelling.
Andrea Wilson
04 April 2012 20:11
Michael, What a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing and welcome...
Michael Cooper
03 April 2012 16:35
Andrea hi
Thanks for the invitation to the forum, I do find essence both provoking and reflective. As you know i am a poet so will leave two lines of a poem for you to consider within your own essence.
In today tomorrow's lay
Where whimsical wants of wish and dream, of futures bright that pass between, what is or isn't of hope or seem
Naomi West
30 March 2012 17:51
When we understand that at the level of molecules and atoms you are constantly reinventing yourself, both this and the constancy of essence become an extraordinary freedom - in tandem
Andrea Wilson
05 March 2012 13:45
Very true. And very timely. Here's what the Dalai Lama said today (posted on Facebook):
In today's materialistic world there is a risk of people becoming slaves to money, as though they were simply cogs in a huge money-making machine. This does nothing for human dignity, freedom, and genuine well-being. Wealth should serve humanity, and not the other way around.
Anthony Carpinelli
01 March 2012 19:22
"Money provides freedom, but does not provide you true internal happiness".
Andrea Wilson
08 February 2012 18:42
I agree Anthony!
Anthony Carpinelli
02 February 2012 18:57
February 2012 - "LOVE IS THE ANSWER".
Anthony Carpinelli
06 December 2011 23:52
"The memories we have are a longer road than the journey that leads ahead" - Paul Mc Cartney.
Andrea Wilson
02 November 2011 23:49
Anthony, I am so happy you feel inspired and totally agree - the exploration of who we are is infinite. We certainly have our work cut out for us in this essence seeking space in the world! Thanks for sharing.
Anthony Carpinelli
01 November 2011 21:20
I am pleased to have been inspired. We all need inspriation each day of our lives.... There is no end to new explorations we all discover within ourselves, and the people we value and share our thoughts with about life.
Andrea Wilson
31 October 2011 22:09
I'm happy you feel inspired Iain and that you found the time to explore. The latest tributes come out tomorrow - the first of every month - so hope to see you back soon!
Iain Barbour
30 October 2011 18:55
Great idea, Andrea! Glad that I am eventually catching up on my emails - especially so when they provide such a pleasant, inspiring way to end the weekend!
Andrea Wilson
20 October 2011 00:56
Michael, what an interesting game - thank you. Metaphors are such a powerful way of describing what or who we see. We do some of this in the brand world but I've never heard about it being used in this way.
I wonder if one could tell how strong the person's essence or identity is, based upon how quickly or easily the seeker guesses the person, or indeed how clearly everyone else in the room answers the questions. Regardless, it must be fascinating for people to describe each other in that way and see what emerges.
So in answer to your question I'd say Yes this forum does mirror the game, although it would be nice to add a little more 3D into the equation. I may just adopt some of this in future Essence Seeker gatherings off-line (when we get to that stage). By the way, when you mention building an image or a 3D essence. Is this a physical (e.g. in the form of a drawing, etc.) or a conceptual image?
Andrea Wilson
20 October 2011 00:53
Bruce, oh I mean Dene, thanks so much for your thoughts. I'm delighted the site is stirring and stretching that already bonza mind of yours.
Ventress Michael
18 October 2011 08:35
Clean, crisp idea. It brings to mind a game I used to play many years ago; we called it the metaphor game where a group of people would select one of their number to to leave the room and the others would then nominate either one of themselves. The oysider would then be invited to return and try and find out who had been selected by asking a series of questions such as "If this person was car, say, or an iem of clothing or a building or a religion or indeed anty one of an infintessimal number of things, what type of car say, or building, or religion would they be. The seeker would canvas the people in the room and depending on the answers given would build an "image" of the nominee.
Simple really, but effective, and great fun not only because it produced a 3D essense of the nominee but because it also revealed some very surprising differences amongst those answering the questions - how an individual projected themselves to a wide cross section of friends and colleagues
In effect this online forum mirrors this game I think. Please tick as appropriate
Yes -
No -
Possibly -
Dene Rogers
16 October 2011 23:15
Sheila, Bonza site, in fact, rip snort very thought provoking and stirring the mind with comments and ideas that angle towards the edge of us and our understanding of what we do not understand.
Andrea Wilson
28 September 2011 17:42
I'm delighted you like it Wai Mun. It's satisfying to share this with the world, at last, but I realise this is only the beginning!
Wai Mun Yoon
28 September 2011 16:54
Nice idea, Andrea. Looking forward to seeing how it evolves!
Andrea Wilson
28 September 2011 13:24
Thanks very much Charles. It's good to hear and I'll of course keep you posted on developments.
Charles Nahum
27 September 2011 12:15
Hello Andrea - I love the refreshing simplicity of the site - keep me posted.
Andrea Wilson
25 September 2011 10:14
Thank you Noël! I am delighted you think so. Here's to an interesting journey into the essence. xo
Noel Theodosiou
24 September 2011 10:11
love how you've gotten to the "essence" of essence! Noël
Andrea Wilson
22 September 2011 14:53
Thanks Lara. I'm so glad you find it inspiring. There's plenty more to come!
Lara Soetekouw
21 September 2011 15:14
Andrea, I love this inspiring collection of "visual poetry" you've put together and look forward to seeing more. Lara
Andrea Wilson
Thank you for continuing to contribute when you are able, and for caring about doing so!
I really like your thought of exploring a subject that will 'cast light upon our own shadows.' That's where so many rich ideas are hiding...we just need a little courage to go there.
'Upon Gideon's Field' is wise indeed. I can't adequately add to what you've already said so beautifully, but I'm sure we'll all be better off if we keep in balance the relationship between child and King.
Michael Cooper
Hi Andrea,
The last time i added a comment on here was way back in April 2012. Now thats just damn rude of me considering all the effort you pour into making sure i have the chance to follow Essence Seeker every month.
Please dont give up on me !!! i intend to get more involved in this opportunity for us all to explore a subject that will inevitably cast light uponour own shadows.
So to start off i want to share with you another short piece of my work titled 'Upon Gideon's field,' which has been well recieved.
Upon Gideon's Field
A great warrior stands triumphant, his victory complete, all laid bare before him, as far ahead as he could see were days of glory; he pronounces himself a King. Then mid-winter comes with bitter cold, biting into his very soul and his army suffer defeat upon Gideon's field. He stands and looks to the victors. A child comes forth with no armour nor sword, up to the great warrior he goes, who kneels to listen to his words.
"Now you would kneel before a child, now you truly are a King"
Notes in the margin:
Defeat reminds us that our place in this world is humble and is neither above nor below but knelt alongside the weakest and smallest. Then from that position, defeat will rise to accomplish great things.
Andrea Wilson
Naomi, What a wonderful thought with such vivid imagery. Thank you so much.
Naomi West
Andrea, your mind is some reincarnation of the magi nemonic masters who arranged their images internally within 'memory palaces' so as to bring forth new meaning - the essence of things combined in alternate ways. Working with you is like gazing into the designs of a crystal glass.
Andrea Wilson
Hi there, I'm continuing to explore the nooks and crannies of our world to find vivid examples of identity - unique and exceptional people, icons, brands and experiences - to help us understand and live true to who we uniquely are.
I'd love to hear your ideas on this, sources for inspiration or experiences that have meant something to you. Many people have contributed to the tributes here - the haka, hito, ultra deep field, Best Made, fibonacci sequence, white stone - and the important ideas behind all of this.
Thank you all. I look forward to your perspective...
Andrea Wilson
Naomi, Balancing the constant with the changing aspects of ourselves is such a great thing to be able to do. It may even be the kernel of evolution and growth. The idea that this creates an 'extraordinary freedom' is so compelling.
Andrea Wilson
Michael, What a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing and welcome...
Michael Cooper
Andrea hi
Thanks for the invitation to the forum, I do find essence both provoking and reflective. As you know i am a poet so will leave two lines of a poem for you to consider within your own essence.
In today tomorrow's lay
Where whimsical wants of wish and dream, of futures bright that pass between, what is or isn't of hope or seem
Naomi West
When we understand that at the level of molecules and atoms you are constantly reinventing yourself, both this and the constancy of essence become an extraordinary freedom - in tandem
Andrea Wilson
Very true. And very timely. Here's what the Dalai Lama said today (posted on Facebook):
In today's materialistic world there is a risk of people becoming slaves to money, as though they were simply cogs in a huge money-making machine. This does nothing for human dignity, freedom, and genuine well-being. Wealth should serve humanity, and not the other way around.
Anthony Carpinelli
"Money provides freedom, but does not provide you true internal happiness".
Andrea Wilson
I agree Anthony!
Anthony Carpinelli
February 2012 - "LOVE IS THE ANSWER".
Anthony Carpinelli
"The memories we have are a longer road than the journey that leads ahead" - Paul Mc Cartney.
Andrea Wilson
Anthony, I am so happy you feel inspired and totally agree - the exploration of who we are is infinite. We certainly have our work cut out for us in this essence seeking space in the world! Thanks for sharing.
Anthony Carpinelli
I am pleased to have been inspired. We all need inspriation each day of our lives.... There is no end to new explorations we all discover within ourselves, and the people we value and share our thoughts with about life.
Andrea Wilson
I'm happy you feel inspired Iain and that you found the time to explore. The latest tributes come out tomorrow - the first of every month - so hope to see you back soon!
Iain Barbour
Great idea, Andrea! Glad that I am eventually catching up on my emails - especially so when they provide such a pleasant, inspiring way to end the weekend!
Andrea Wilson
Michael, what an interesting game - thank you. Metaphors are such a powerful way of describing what or who we see. We do some of this in the brand world but I've never heard about it being used in this way.
I wonder if one could tell how strong the person's essence or identity is, based upon how quickly or easily the seeker guesses the person, or indeed how clearly everyone else in the room answers the questions. Regardless, it must be fascinating for people to describe each other in that way and see what emerges.
So in answer to your question I'd say Yes this forum does mirror the game, although it would be nice to add a little more 3D into the equation. I may just adopt some of this in future Essence Seeker gatherings off-line (when we get to that stage). By the way, when you mention building an image or a 3D essence. Is this a physical (e.g. in the form of a drawing, etc.) or a conceptual image?
Andrea Wilson
Bruce, oh I mean Dene, thanks so much for your thoughts. I'm delighted the site is stirring and stretching that already bonza mind of yours.
Ventress Michael
Clean, crisp idea. It brings to mind a game I used to play many years ago; we called it the metaphor game where a group of people would select one of their number to to leave the room and the others would then nominate either one of themselves. The oysider would then be invited to return and try and find out who had been selected by asking a series of questions such as "If this person was car, say, or an iem of clothing or a building or a religion or indeed anty one of an infintessimal number of things, what type of car say, or building, or religion would they be. The seeker would canvas the people in the room and depending on the answers given would build an "image" of the nominee.
Simple really, but effective, and great fun not only because it produced a 3D essense of the nominee but because it also revealed some very surprising differences amongst those answering the questions - how an individual projected themselves to a wide cross section of friends and colleagues
In effect this online forum mirrors this game I think. Please tick as appropriate
Yes -
No -
Possibly -
Dene Rogers
Sheila, Bonza site, in fact, rip snort very thought provoking and stirring the mind with comments and ideas that angle towards the edge of us and our understanding of what we do not understand.
Andrea Wilson
I'm delighted you like it Wai Mun. It's satisfying to share this with the world, at last, but I realise this is only the beginning!
Wai Mun Yoon
Nice idea, Andrea. Looking forward to seeing how it evolves!
Andrea Wilson
Thanks very much Charles. It's good to hear and I'll of course keep you posted on developments.
Charles Nahum
Hello Andrea - I love the refreshing simplicity of the site - keep me posted.
Andrea Wilson
Thank you Noël! I am delighted you think so. Here's to an interesting journey into the essence. xo
Noel Theodosiou
love how you've gotten to the "essence" of essence! Noël
Andrea Wilson
Thanks Lara. I'm so glad you find it inspiring. There's plenty more to come!
Lara Soetekouw
Andrea, I love this inspiring collection of "visual poetry" you've put together and look forward to seeing more. Lara