I've been thinking about your comment. It is such a luxury to be the person revealing another, particularly when the vehicle is a great art form like photography. Yet still I wonder if the person being revealed is really the lucky one.
Larry Ackerman
14 October 2011 23:47
As a photographer, I so understand the Onion Effect - getting people to peel back their own layers, to open up to who they actually are, to reveal the beauty that is in them, despite the flaws, imperfections, neuroses, fears, vulnerabilities, trepidations, losses (and founds) that color our lives. Layer by layer, we learn to open up to ourselves and others. Slooooowly.
I think the trick is to assure the subject that I can capture their essence and still make them look quite lovely.
Andrea Wilson
25 September 2011 10:41
Our 'true and uniquely crinkly, worried, sad, joyful faces' are indeed the ones that we all long to see - and getting a glimpse of who someone really is, when that veil comes down and they let us in, may just be one of life's greatest pleasures.
We should create a Be True movement. Now that would be interesting. Ideas welcome....
Shannon Patterson
25 September 2011 02:30
This seems a human characteristic - to put on the face we think the world wants to see. I also couldn't agree more that our true and uniquely crinkly, worried, sad, joyful faces are the ones that we (and the world) need and long to see. Aren't we all sensitive?
Andrea Wilson
I've been thinking about your comment. It is such a luxury to be the person revealing another, particularly when the vehicle is a great art form like photography. Yet still I wonder if the person being revealed is really the lucky one.
Larry Ackerman
As a photographer, I so understand the Onion Effect - getting people to peel back their own layers, to open up to who they actually are, to reveal the beauty that is in them, despite the flaws, imperfections, neuroses, fears, vulnerabilities, trepidations, losses (and founds) that color our lives. Layer by layer, we learn to open up to ourselves and others. Slooooowly.
I think the trick is to assure the subject that I can capture their essence and still make them look quite lovely.
Andrea Wilson
Our 'true and uniquely crinkly, worried, sad, joyful faces' are indeed the ones that we all long to see - and getting a glimpse of who someone really is, when that veil comes down and they let us in, may just be one of life's greatest pleasures.
We should create a Be True movement. Now that would be interesting. Ideas welcome....
Shannon Patterson
This seems a human characteristic - to put on the face we think the world wants to see. I also couldn't agree more that our true and uniquely crinkly, worried, sad, joyful faces are the ones that we (and the world) need and long to see. Aren't we all sensitive?